
“It Is Not Possible To Harass Or Molest A Girl In A Busy Cantonment Area”, A special POCSO court acquitted a man who is accused of molesting a 17-year old girl






A special pocso court has acquitted a 21-year-old man who is accused of molesting a 17-year-old girl.

The FIR was lodged by the father of the girl, he said that when the girl was going to school one Mahfuz alias Tipu molested and harassed her.

“On March 27, 2019, when my daughter was on her way to appear for an exam, Tipu stopped her near the school and molested her. She told me and my wife about it after some time as she was scared of him. Days later, on May 15, Tipu started shouting our daughter’s name in front of our house and threatened to kill us and fled”.

The counsel for the man submitted that the school is located in a cantonment area and has CCTV cameras along the way with army personnel deployed around the clock.

The counsel further submitted that the girl’s father had come to know about her friendship with the man through their WhatsApp chats and lodged a false FIR against him.

During cross examination, girl admitted that she knew Tipu and also CDR of phone calls showed the girl had long conversations with him.

When the prosecution failed to produce witness, the bench said “it is not possible to harass or to molest a girl in the presence of Army personnel in a busy cantonment area”.

Hence, acquitted the accused from all charges.

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