
Madras High Court: High Court Is Not Expected To Issue Direction For Speedy Disposal Of Cases






Case Detail: S Baby vs S. Sakkubai Ammal

The Single Bench of Justice SM Subramaniam of Madras High Court refused to issue directions to the revision petition filed by the petitioner seeking speedy disposal of the case which was filed by him seven years ago at the Principal Subordinate Judge of Villupuram in Tamil Nadu.

The petitioner had approached the Hon’ble High Court claiming that the suit which was instituted by him at the Principal Subordinate Judge of Villupuram, is pending form past 7 years. The counsel for the petitioner’s argued that the suit remained pending because unnecessary adjournments were granted by the lower court on flimsy ground.

The Court said that “High Court cannot issue directions to the District Judiciary for speedy disposal of cases in a routine manner. Frequent directions if issued, would not provide a practical solution. Overburdening with litigations on Board is to be taken into consideration by the High Court. The routine directions for speedy disposal, if it is issued, it would further cause unnecessary pressure on the District Judiciary. In many such cases, wherein directions are issued, the District Judiciary has come out with administrative letters, seeking extension of time again and again and thus, the purpose for which such directions were issued by the High Court became defeated”.

Justice said that High Court cannot interfere in every matter which is pending before the lower court and every litigant approaching the court is waiting for Justice thus the litigation must be done in a consistent manner, without discriminating the litigants and therefore issuing directions for speedy disposal of cases would do no service to the cause of justice.

Stoy Update By: Ms. Sai Sushmitha, Correspondent at Lawgic.

Edited By: Ms. Nandini Nair, Content Head at Lawgic.

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